By clicking on the Go To Icon next to each chapter heading, you'll have instant access to all of the articles in this issue. Click on the Table of Contents Icon found at the bottom of each page to return to this page.
About This Newsletter -- Cover page and general information about this
document and Ambrosia as a company. Come and meet the gang.
Info. -- Legalese and distribution information concerning The Ambrosia
Times. Sign up now for your free subscription.
What's New -- Ambrosia Mailing lists, the amazing HectorCam, Web site
updates, the poop on our upcoming products
President's Letter -- Andrew drinks too much coffee and pretends to be a
Swoop High Score Contest -- The results are in! Find out whether to
rejoice or hang your head in shame!
Avara -- So you say you want a 3D, networkable action game, eh? Look no
further than Ambrosia's Avara.
Barrack -- Ambrosia's new game Barrack just keeps getting better and
better as we approach beta -- check here for the latest screenshots.
Escape Velocity -- Currently in beta test, Escape Velocity promises to
please those who enjoy dominating the universe from their easy chair.
It's About Time -- Lest you think we're all fun and games here, take a
peek at our upcoming calendar/to do list/reminder program It's About Time.
Geekette -- Our beloved accountant Gayle Haarr gets her own column this
issue -- and writes about what she knows best...
Mailing Lists -- Ambrosia sets up mailing lists, and we ain't talkin' junk
mail here!
Kudos & Criticism -- Each month we dig our hands into the Ambrosia
mailbag for a few select letters to answer in this section.
Ambrosia Cafe -- The Ambrosia Cafe officially opens its doors for
Ramblings -- Shopping for a PowerMac: could a clone be MacNirvana?
How To -- Cajun plunges into the bowels of RAM Doubler.
Eek A Bug! -- The year in review, according to the dubious "Cajun" David Richard.